Humble serving bring glory to God
Serving God? Well that is one important calling for us. I mean God is indeed calling us to grow and serve Him spiritually. All the Christian book said the same thing. This include the Bible. But honestly how do we know what shall we do to serve God? Well for one thing, I came to learn. Everybody whom I met surely would come to me and tell me to serve God in church. I honestly was like, "huh"? How come serving God must always be in the church eh? Come to think of it. We are always serving the Christians. Is that the church meant when we are called to serve? If that the thing how can we do anything else for Him.
One thing we need to ask from God when it comes to serving is humbleness or meekness. One good example in the Bible about a man who serve God faithfully was Moses. Moses was a prince of Egypt who served God faithfully. He was saved from Pharoah's anger when Pharoah make a decree that every born Israelites babies must be thrown into the river. He was saved because God calls him out of nowhere to serve God. As he grow older, Moses met with his own ppl and saw that the Eyptian were bullying his own ppl. Without any 2nd thought, he rush to the Israelite's rescue and killed the Eyptian. That for me, is his first ministry. I mean his worldy ministry. In a way I believe he thought he was doing the right thing. Come on, he was killing his own so-called ppl, the Egyptian. I do not think that he can remember how his own childhood life was as one part of babies that Pharoah was trying to throw into the river. In fact, I do not believe that Pharoah's daughter would ever told him that he was her adopted son. It was never mentioned in the Bible. And I was thinking: "Who would ever want to kill anybody that is serving under him." It was like bringing shame unto himself, don't you think so? Ppl would no longer respect him anymore if he ever kill his own ppl. I mean that is my own opinion. It might be wrong.
Anyway because he thought he is doing right by killing the Egyptian, his own real ppl the Israelites is going against him. For me, it mean one thing. He might do it for God but it was not a right timing. So at the end, he flee to Midian. I do not know where this Midian is but I guess it was a place where good life is going to become a bad life. Cause even in Midian according to the Bible, the ppl there do not know who Moses was. (Imagine this. Moses was born in the Egypt and I do believe that he was famous because he was a prince of Egypt, the popular country during that time) Come to think of it, the seven daughter of the priest, Jethro in Midian whom Moses saved from the shepherd that try to drove the daughters away refer him as "Egyptian". He lose his title when he ran away from the world.
As he stays in the Midian longer, he was able to learn a lot of new things. He learn how to live a simple life. A life where it comes to contentent. A life where he would just let go of a lot of everything and live it all for God. I believed that he is a Christian for one thing, his father in law was Jethro, a priest. And he knows who God was because he hid his face from God when he met God. I mean if he were to be a non-believer he would not be scared to meet God face to face and would not have learnt that whoever saw God's face would die. In fact for one thing, he did not flee when he met God. I mean come to think about it, he was just standing there and wear the sandal when God says that the ground where he was standing was a holy ground.
I believe that he learns to be humble and because of that he rejected the offer God gave him and that is to lead the Israelites out of misery from Egypt. I mean come on.. Who do not want to accpet God's offer when He came personally to met the person face to face and offer the ministry to him. To cut the story short., at the end as we all know it, he had make one most famous ministry for God and that is to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (the world) and lead them all to the promised land. But the first he did was he learnt to become humble. As the famous word in the Bible says about Moses. It was written in the books of Numbers, chapter 12:3 that says "Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth." (NIV)
Althought he faces the persecution from his own ppl, he still go forward for God because he knows God is real and will save them from all trials. I was once like Moses as well. I was a very proud person (although I still have the proudness in me). I was into KDU Christian Fellowship where I was holding a high post there. As I study in KDU my popularity sort of increased. I even think highly of myself. And always think that I am right. Others are wrong. Always serve, serve and serve.. Perhaps to gain popularity. But then in the year of 1998, I fell. In the sense that all my popularity disappeared. I went deep deep down into misery. In fact you can called it suffering where ppl condemned me for doing badly in studies. Everything I said become anger to them. It was praise but that does not last long if we keep on holding into our proudness.
What I am trying to say here is this. It is good and okay to serve God. In fact I do believe we are serving God for one or another. But I am trying is this. Let us learnt to serve God first of all, with humble heart. When it comes to serving let us graciously think of others rather than ourselves the big one. Let us serve God with what we have and not what we do not have. Start with small dream and not big dreams. In fact let us start to give to other cheerfully and with thanksgiving with what we have. Let us think highly of others and not ourselves when it comes to serving. Make ourselves available if we want to serve but if we are not available it does not mean we would not bother. Think highly on God and not ourselves when we serve for we are not serving ourselves but we are serving God. In we think highly of ourselves why not we just called ourselves god. For we ourselves are the saviour of ourselves. If we ever proclaim that we need Jesus as our Saviour then give Him our best.
I came to learnt bout this. When we serve God, both our mind and spiritual thought are working together. But if we feed our own carnal mind more and less of spiritual in terms of serving God, we will be like worldly ppl worshipping their God with their mind. But when we open our spiritual mind when we serve God, we will live in God's glory. I mean God will lead us cause we give our spiritual mind to Him and allowing ourselves to be used by Him. One of the way is to see our heart when we serve Him. Is our motive pure for Him or are we doing it for our own glory? I mean I am also struggle with my mind. In fact I had been struggle with it since 10 years ago. One thing I learnt of how to serve Him is by living in humbleness. I mean of course we do give ourselves credit for what we are doing. Otherwise we will ended up like robots. I do not think God create robots, don't He? So perhaps by living in humbless and accepting our own mistakes is one of the way to live in humbleness. That is one thing I am currently learning right now cause I had been a good self denying for years oredi. Be honest to ourselves when we serve God so that we will live in more transparent life. Transparent life leads to humble ministry for God. Understand what we need and understand how we can help others in need. I do believe that by humble itself is a ministry cause how many Christians can start their ministry in humility. It's hard to get honest Christian and perhaps honest person compared to 20 years ago. Everybody live to cheat and bluff. The reason is to secure their life. I mean it's easy to say than done. But hey.. We are no perfect ppl after all. Why not start it now before we grow older cause as we grow older it's hard for us to change. =)
One thing leads to another. Serving God means be transparent and learn to give everything to God. Unable to do this, we will still be the same person we used to be. God bless... =)