Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Love does a wonder

I am a bit down recently. Well not much of down because of I want to but rather I was pretty tired of myself. Tired of being who I am. Tired of doing things that do not glorify God but I thought that I am glorifying God with what I does. A lot of time I do not think that I deserve the love because I lacked of it when I was younger. But now about 27 years had passed and I came to realised that God's love is more important than other things. I mean come to think of it. I had rejected God's love for the past 27 years and after that year had gone God still loves me. I mean how ironic is that. I would never do that. I mean if I were to show love, if that person reject it after a while I would say, "Sorry la. No more caring for you. After all it was you who reject my cares and concern and love."
Honestly saying, I got my limit when it came to loving someone or cares for them. I mean who doesn't. Well there is this someone who officially doesn't and He won't. And His name is Jesus Christ. I mean if He would to have limit in loving and caring, He won't die for us on the cross. I mean come on.. Dying on the cross is not something fun that ppl would do. It is the most embarrassing death a person can get. I would say worst than dying on the electric chair or hanging on the rope. At least both electric chair and hanging on the rope is done privately by the prison warden. But crucified on the cross is done publicly. Not just that you are to stripped half naked to let others see your whole body. That's what I can imagine through the movie of Passion of Christ and through Bible. To say that is not enough, Jesus can actually called down the angel if He wants to cause dying I believe is not one of the gods' idea of leading their followers. Unlike Christian's Jesus Christ of course. In fact most of them if they ever died, they died gloriously and not in (sounds) vain like Jesus' death. I mean of course after everybody's thought that He died in vain, He actually died glorifying. Because after that He came back to live and to take away our sin. I mean that for me is limitless love. Eternal love.
I do wish to live like Him but to some certain character that I had, I can't do it. I used to love myself cause I believe that I am good in showing love and showing care. But come to think of it now, I don't think that I am good enough. But because God's love is in me, no matter how not good am I, I am still willing to try to become better. Better so that I can be there for others. Doing the right thing in God's eye and glorify His name.
So I am currently learning to be loved by Him. Come to think of it I always do not allow myself to be loved by others. Even right now. But then I told God, I am willing to walk a thousand mile for Him, to be used by Him in any part of my life. If He ever wanted it. And thankfully enough He gave me the awareness of myself of what I had been showing and what I am not showing. Of course I had to say love does us a wonders. I mean if we really love our partner, we would walk a thousand miles for them. Even I believe Jesus did the same thing too. His thousand miles walk was to die for us. What bout us? Ours might not be the same thing like Jesus but if we ever did something small to those whom we love and cared for, I do believe that would be a good start. Like the title says: Love does a wonder. Well for one thing, it does a wonder. A wonder beyond imaginable. A wonder that I believe if we show it correctly would amazes God.
I was reading this passage of the Bible in the book of Matthew 8:5-17 where a Centurion was asking Jesus for help to heal his servant. I do not know how far is his house to where Jesus was standing. But one thing he told Jesus to do was to heal his servant from where Jesus was standing. For me I learnt this though. I believe this centurian had so many servant in his life. But he still choose to walk a thousand miles to ask Jesus to heal his servant. I do not know whether this servant was one of his favourite but he choose to love his servant no matter what and walking a thousand mile just for the servant can be considered for me as loving and caring. One word that really strucked me in this passage is this. Jesus was astonished by the faith and the cares (although the Bible is not clearly stated anything bout the cares of the centurion to his servant) of the centurian. I searched for the word astonished in Oxford Dictionary and it meant "surprise or impress greatly." I learnt this thing though. I mean God can still be astonished by our love for Him and by our thousand miles walk for Him. Imagine this. God knows our past, present and future. It was written in the Bible. But according to the book of Matthew, He was astonished. That's something to me actually. I was not thinking of it that way. But then I believe God is saying that, "Hey, I know your past, present and future but come and astonished Me with your love and faith for Me." I do not mean to say that He do not know how much we love Him or how much we have faith in Him but with the current love and faith for Him, are we wanting to love Him even more? Or just give up when troubles come? I also learnt this. Walk a thousand miles for Him also involves walk when troubles was blocking you. I believe when trouble comes, it actually meant it was a test to see whether your love for God does really work or was it just a verbal saying only. But hey there is a good news for us all. Walk a thousand miles for Him means we are not stagnant anymore but we are growing. As we are growing daily we are receiving more and more of His blessings in our life. Devil was always scared when we walk a thousand mile for God. This is because the more walk we have for Him, the harder the devil can mess around with us. It is something like a car. If we do not drive our car that often, our car can easily spoilt. But if we drive it often, the chance of it spoilt is there but less. The same thing goes with us. We will still be messy but lesser cause we are stronger in our walk with Him.
So I do believe love does a wonder and we can't learnt it from school or Bible College or even from ppl who love God. The truth is we can only learn it from Jesus Christ Himself, the ultimate Lover of God. We can actually taste the love of God from the Bible but I do not think this is enough considering that we are living in the end times where the world is getting more and more evil. But as long as we relying on Jesus Himself we would be able to taste of His love for us. For without Him, even if our love does a wonder, it would be a worldly wonder and not godly. In fact that love would not pleased Him as well. So let us learn to love Him by showing our love to others, one of the way to love Him. God bless.. =) Have a blessed weekend..


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