Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blessed Good Friday & Easter Sunday, everyone!!

Half an hour more it is going to be Good Friday 2013. Just want to take this opportunity to wish everybody Blessed Good Friday. Remember, this is the day where Jesus gave up His life for us through the crucification on the cross for us all and rose again to heaven on the 3rd day. This is day whereby an innocent Man, Jesus who was born of woman but is actually God Himself, died on the cross for us, for our sins. If Jesus never came down to earth and died for us, we would all died. We are given an opportunity to live again in holiness because of Him. So let us remember and be reminded again and again that we are who we are as a Christian, because of Him. Even if anyone of you are not Christian, it was Jesus who purchased your life from devil and give you life again.

So let us continue to trust in Him and believe that He is going to do miraculous thing in our life. God bless.. Blessed Good Friday & Blessed Easter Sunday too.. =)

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Footprints in the sand

I was checking back my blog's comment. I felt that there is a lot of encouragement in what I had been writing in this blog and I am very happy to know that people actually read and comment on my blog. By you all doing that, it shows one thing. My blog does bless others. I mean last time I thought whatever things I shared here is just for my own view and I never knew that people would actually give comment and compliment about my blog. Thank you all for reading my blog and at the same time, you all gave me comments and compliments. Well all glory to Jesus. But here I would like to include this word of encouragement to you all.

What I want to say is this. Though our walk with our Lord Jesus Christ is challenging and hard to follow, let us all persevere on. Our result in this perseverance would bless us in future. We would be strong spiritually, physically and even mentally. People does asked me before, what makes me keep going on and on in life when we failed. To be honest, I do not know. But seeing the result of me persevere on in life, it can meant one thing. It is our Lord Jesus Christ who helped me in times of trouble whenever I want to give or when I am giving up. Keep on doing the right thing and then only the good thing. If we can perseverance on when it comes to losing our weight or when it comes to being fit, what makes us fail when we are perseverance in our walk with Jesus? The thing is our mindset. Make our mind focus on God and think of Him alone. When we want to lose weight, what is our focus? Our mindset is focus on want to lose weight. So likewise, let us focus on Jesus when want to persevere for Him. Therefore I hope this word of encouragement below would help us all to walk righteously in Him. Don't give up. God bless.