Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yay!! Mooncake festival is coming..

Yay!! Mooncake celebration is coming soon.. For one thing, I had not been eating mooncake for a year now. I mean of course Mooncake is once a year celebration but then this year itself I had not tasted any mooncake yet except last night Humphrey's Cell Group leader, Jean offered me one. But anyway one of my company's supplier gave us a box of Tai Thong mooncake yesterday. Imagine that.. TAI THONG wor.. I had a rare chance of eating expensive mooncakes. Most of my mooncakes were brought from market, the cheap cheap home made brand. But anyway yesterday was the first time I ever ate a good brand..
So, I am going to bring the big box of mooncake for everybody to eat. I am not selfish ma.. I share. So everybody have a chance of having one tiny slice of Tai Thong mooncake while I had the bigger part.. Sounds greedy huh? Should be since I had not really eaten one mooncake this year. Anybody wanna donate me any mooncakes? Do not really had a chance to go back to Ipoh to eat mooncake.. But whatever la.. I am a number fans of mooncake.. Not number one fans in eating dumpling (zong).. Don't know why... Anyway may God bless me for that.. I mean for eating the mooncake... Whatever la.. I am also confused now of what to blog right now.. Got to go now.. See ya.. God bless... =)