Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Meeting my mom and testimony

Today a miraculous thing happened.. Actually it happened yesterday. Well my parent, me and uncle went to Klang to eat Bak Kut Teh (something which I dislike to eat). When we reach home, mom was shock to find her purse went missing. Search all over the house and even in the car but the purse seems to be lost. Anyway earlier yesterday, I invited my mom to church. One of my reason is introduce her to church ppl. As much as she went to church in Ipoh but what I want from her is to attend a church in PJ or KL if she came down. Persuaded and finally she agreed. It was then this missing purse happened. But just want to thank God that despite that she lost her purse, she did not skip church. Prayed for her that her purse would come back once she go to church and it actually really did this evening.
Anyway thank God that she went to church. Got the chance to meet Kenny, Aaron and Xi Ying. And I am very happy that Xi Ying drop by to accompany my mom shopping although I know she is very tired that time. In fact everybody were tired. But then she managed to meet my parent. Anyway thank XY.. God bless you for accompany my mom. I would say it to be a good thing cause it is always hard for ppl especially the CF ppl to meet my parent. They hardly go anywhere when they came down to KL. Well I believe that there is blessing for meeting my parent. =) I do not know what but yeah. There is a blessing. Anyway when the church service end, my uncle called and told me to tell my mom that her purse were found. The Bak Kut Teh restaurant owner kep it yesterday when she misplace her purse and my uncle managed to relocate it back. Thank You Lord for giving my mom, her purse back. Safe and sound. =)
Although today is a tiring day, but I thank God lotsa good things happened. God bless... =)


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