Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Overdue updates...

Well lotsa things had happened for the past one week till now. First of all, I had moved from Melanie's house to a new house where a potbless were held once last year. Anyway it is Humphrey's house. I am now staying in Humphrey's house. For your info, it is a Christian mission house. =) Had had enough of Melanie and her dog Lucas that I decided to move on 29th June. I guess it is kinda a last minutes move. Was talking to Humphrey two weeks ago and his house is cheaper than Melanie's room. The new room cost me RM250 including water and electricity while Melanie's room costs me RM280 per month. The room is bigger, of course. I can even does my free laundry there. Of course I need to pay for my soap powder. If I were given a computer I can even pay RM20 a month for internet service. How cheap can it be?
Anyway I am still missing my old room. The very reason why I still miss it is because I had been staying there for two years oredi. Although that rascal dog was always there wanting to jump on me, I still miss that room. Now my current room although is cheaper, it do not have a proper fan. There are only two table fan where one of it had spoilt and I am sleeping depend on one of the fan.
Well besides moving house, I managed to attend a potbless. It was held in conjunction of 1/2 half year birthday celebration. It was held on 30th June 2007 where it was the last day of the first 1/2 year. The potbless was not bad although there are a few minor accidents happened. Good food. In fact there are not much leftovers. =) Played four game of Mafia and well everything turns on well. Nice potbless... =)
Oh ya.. Today I had worked in UTAR for a year oredi. I joined UTAR on 3rd July 2006 and this is the first year of anniversary working there. Wonder how long would I be working there though cause I indeed is planning to quit the job soon. Just that I am reluctant to do so cause I am quite worried that I would not get a better job than working in UTAR. Well not sure what to do yet.. Need lotsa prayer.. See la.. =) Will decide in mid of September when I got 2nd bonus from the company.
Guess that's all bout my update.. God bless...


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