Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Assignment

An extraordinary things happened today. Went to work as usual. Well right half an hour before its time to go home, my boss called and I thought I am going to be dead meat since it is not usual for a boss to call his employee to enter his room unless it is either urgent or it is for scolding purposes. But when I entered his room, I never knew that I am gonna get something like this from a boss.. An assignment..
Well there is a simple task that my colleagues want his opinion and he is supposed to analyse the usage of the task to the maximum and since he is the boss he do not want to waste the usage to its minimum. So he ask me to help him to handle the task since he told me that he wants me to learn and since I am CIMA student. Well I am very delighted to receive his offer but at the same time, as timid as it sounds, I am scared that I am not able to cope with the assignment that he gave me. The very reason is that I am not good in analysing things. In fact I take times to analyse which might prolonged to a longer time. And it is going to destroy my reputation as being slow coach. So I don't know lah. But I took the offer as an opportunity of course. And I am given a week to perform for my assignment. After work, I called my mom (I am very close to my mom nowadays) and she told me that it might be a blessing in disguise. Don't know blessing for disguise for what but it is good thing though. And I agreed with what she said. I believe in this. When boss gave you more work, it means good thing cause boss won't give works to those who are lazy and those who are not trustworthy. So I guess I am the priviledge one. But then I was being a negative person ever since I was young thinks that I could not do it. But thank God He sent someone to help me. (hopefully lah) He is my closest colleague (closest because he sat next to me) and he offer me the help. So I felt grateful that I got some priviledge and I hope that I would not blew it away.. =) Thank you very much Lord..
Okaylah.. Got to go back to study oredi.. Came here to find answers for my Galaxie contest. The latest Galaxie magazine just came out today.. So wanted to win the prize. So go online and get the answer that I felt I do not know the answer. God bless... =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pray this unceasingly ... "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me."

May you seek His strength as you undertake this project.

2:42 am  
Blogger Ou Lik Ee said...

I am in the midst of doing the assignment.. Now it had become a last minutes things since I got new info bout it.. =( But all praise to God cause there are lotsa help from my colleagues and boss.. =) God bless and praise Him for getting ppl to help me..

12:51 pm  

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