Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

All I want.....

Here comes the month of festive season... Starting from this month October onwards, it would be a beginning of a whole months of festive seasons.. So here's all I want from this festive seasons..
All I want for Mooncake is lantern walk and I got it.. All I want for Deepavali is holidays and kenduri makan or open house.. Well I got the holiday.. But do I get to be invited for any kenduri makan? I wonder.. All I want for Hari Raya Aidilfitri is open houses. Hope that this Raya I would get it.. All I want for Christmas is presents.. I wonder would I get it? All I want for my birthday would be a new mobile phone, PC, new car, camera etc etc.. Wonder would I get it or not? Not to forget ice-creams..." ahem.. ahem.. ahem.." =) The ice-cream applies to someone who might read this blog but not to all.. I still want new mobile phone, PC, new car, camera etc etc... (I don't care...) All I want for New Year would be presents as well.. Wonder that also would I get it? All I want for Chinese New Year is angpaus and nice food.. Well I believe I would get it next year.. All I want from my compnay early next year would be bonus. Hope that after half a year or so after working I would be able to get some amount of bonus and also an increment... =) All I want for Valentine would be giving gifts to my loved one and also receiving something from them.. (Wonder would I get anything from my secret admirer - if I got one lah since I am still single) All I want for Easter is I am able to receive Easter egg.. I mean the Easter egg is not that important but what I mean is to glorify Him.. And this I want to do throughtout the whole year and not just on that day itself.. =) All I want for Mother's Day is to be able to give my mom her love and treat her with something special instead of just the regular KFC.. All I want for Father's Day is to show him (earthly) and Him (heavenly) my love to them as well.. As for my earthly father, I also want to treat him a special dinner instead of another regular KFC for dinner. All I want for Merdeka Day is to show my respect to Malaysia.. I do not want to sleep early on that day.. But as always.. I sleeps early and watch tv at home instead of being patriotic... =( And all I want for next year's Mooncake celebration is another walk.. Another potbless.. Another prank but not another cake throwing competition... =( Scare of it oredi..
That is all I want for all the festive seasons.. Hope that everybody have the same wishes and thoughts in mind.. Just that I still want the gifts mentioned above.. =) God bless...


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