Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Woman - God's noble creation

I just had a chat with my cousin while on the way back home after work. As we were talking, a topic bout "equality rights" appeared into our conversation. Well I was sort of surprised because usually it was the woman who would always demanding for equal rights with the man. As I was on the way home I pondered about this topic of equal rights, as in what does it meant to me.
So here I am typing what I believe in what an equal rights in all about. First of all, what I wanna say here is there is no such things as equality rights. I mean man and woman can never be equal. (I know some of you, woman out there would have a thought right now to stone me but then read on before you do so) Why I would say that? Well first of all I believed that God never intend for us all to be the same. Don't say character but look at our own physical body first of all. I mean obviously we are not the same in term of physical apperance right? I do not need to elaborate that do I? I think everybody understand what I mean? =P Then the very fact that a man is called a male and a woman is called a female. A female is called "she" or "her" and a male is called a "he" or "him". I mean that is also pretty obvious right in terms of alphabet and word itself right? I believe I do not have any spelling mistake here. =)
Now in terms of individual character. Well I believed that God created man to be different than woman. And vice versa. I believed that in all that things that we have heard or do, we should be grateful of what we have and what we have become, whether a man or a woman. A woman should not demand of an equal rights if they are comfortable and secure in their own gender. I mean due to because some man out there who acted in egoness in front of a woman and proclaimed that he is stronger than the woman and critised a woman of being a weaker gender than he is, it shouldn't be an issue of equal rights come out at the first place. I mean God created man and woman with fair and justly, but why we the human being, being the man and woman created by Him wants more gender justification? Honestly saying I am proud of becoming a man. Well proud as being glad and happy of being me. Glad and happy that I am created by God and able to breathe into this life. Glad that I could be used by God to do things for Him. I mean all of us should be like that. I mean especially the woman. God created you to become woman because He believed that you are useful for Him as being a woman. Be comfortable of your own gender. Do not let some pathetic man full of egoness to bring you down and make you thinks that there should be an equal rights between man and woman.
Why I felt that the woman who wanted equality rights shouldn't be complaining at all? In fact they should be very grateful for being who they are. First of all, being a woman, although you may continue to be the sarcastic remarks to some bad man out there, you should be proud that you are a woman. Man suffers all day long compared to woman. Woman only suffers when they give birth. That would be only 9 months' time suffering. Unless of course they want more babies. Even they want more babies, it still does not match the sufferings that the man would have to face compared to the woman. Why I said that? Well for once man suffers whole life. Well since the day Adam and Eve ate from the fruit on the tree of good and evil, God had told Adam that because of what he do, he would need to struggle hard to earn a living. And because he was first created by God and not Eve, he shall be the breadwinner to Eve's family. In another sense, because Adam ate the fruit, he would live to protect Eve's familly from harm. He would feed Eve, work hard to earn a living of he, himself, Eve and the children. I mean those time the main job offered I believed would be farming. There is no such job like office job yet. And because of that job needs lotsa energy and sweat, for me it is considered as hardship and suffering for Adam. In fact Adam needs to know where God wants him to be. It's not an easy job though. He is to be light to the family. He guides Eve and the children to obey God. He is like the mentor the the family to know God. If he falls, that's the end of the family. Well I believe that is how hard and how suffer Adam was.
As for Eve, I believed that with the help from her husband, she helps to nurture the children so that the children would learn to know God. I mean in the sense it is not that easy either. Come to think of it, if Eve do not really understand what Adam thinks and Adam believed, she would teach wrong doctrine to the children. I mean that's dangerous. But I believed that time Adam was the only in the one in the family that farms. But unless and until the kids had grown up a bit, they would too be doing farming. Anyway what I try to point here is.... Eve's job as being the woman are somehow or rather easier than Adam. I do not know is Adam egolistic or not, but then Eve still listens to him. One thing I know for sure. She is very happy of being woman. Okay.. She is the only woman that time. But then the very reason God gave the order to Adam is that he shall live and be the protector of the family, breadwinner to the family although he might be egolistic towards Eve cause he thinks he is bigger and mightier. But nonetheless, man suffers more than woman by not only being breadwinner but also being head of the family to know God. (Normally lah) Do you being a woman wants to suffer for the family? Much more than woman themselves?
Being a woman also got lotsa advantages. God gave the woman sense of caring and loving more than a man. Woman cries often even when they watch happy ending stories. Well they release their emotions easily. Won't you all being a woman love it? Or you rather wanted to keep it all into your heart just like me? And gain an extra suffers since you ask for equality rights? Woman loves fashion and always wear colourful clothes while man wears clothes that they wear every week. (Not all are like that but some.. That some includes me) Woman hold hand with each other and yet they are not proclaimed lesbian but when man and man hold hand they are proclaimed gay. Do you want to be called lesbian when you all hold hands? Woman can kiss another woman and yet their excuse is that it is just a greeting kiss. But for a man to kiss a man it is disgusting. So you would rather lose your excuse of having a greeting kiss to a disgusting kiss? And not to mention, most of the man that I know are dirty and untidy. I mean not all lah but most lah. So you all woman wants to be like that too? Claim that dirty and untidiness is an "in" thing now in life?
One of the most noble thing of which I believed that God gave to the woman is the ability to give birth. Honestly I do not want that ability but then that ability could not be given to someone like me who are not that responsible (even if I am a woman). God gave woman the heart to care, to nurture and to be responsible over the child and He knows that those who are born woman would be able to love the baby just like He do, loving us all. The woman that He created are all created with a quality that came from Him and Him alone so that all the woman would be able to feel and understand the meaning of love. That's why He gave them the title of woman. And to be able to love and nurture the man of their lives and that is their husband, the head of her family. =)
Anyway got to go now. Would continue to blog about it when I got the time.. God bless.. =)


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