Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Monday, August 25, 2008


I just finished watching Apocalypto, directed by Mel Gibson. Well the movie was kinda okay. But it was a bit lame though. It was about this Mayan warrior by the name of Jaguar Paw who was so-called destined to be the sole survivor of Mayan who managed to ran away from mercenaries who hunt for human being to be sold to the priest to be scarified.
I was quite excited watching these kind of movies because it talks about another different culture. FYI, I am history and culture lover. But at the end, the movie was just another gory movie filled with blood shedding and head flying all over. Not much head flying over but I guess it is about one soul survivor escaping from dozens of mercenaries. But what makes me dislikes the movie was when he was badly injured arrow going through his stomach and yet he did not die. It's something like Ultraman series when once his heart beeping red, he is supposed to die within a minute but at the end he lives on and killed the monster which terrorised the city. I mean come on.. What kind of movie is that? Throughout my life watching cartoons like Ultraman (actually Ultraman is not a cartoon after all. Just don't get it what type of entertainment is Ultraman called), I always wished Ultraman would die faster. Or at least the monster live longer. At least the show would prolonged a little bit more than its usual half an hour. But at the end, it ended up Ultraman live and monster die either his brothers came to his rescue or he speed up his fights.
Anyway there are a lot of episodes in Apocalypto where blood were flowing all over. And heads flying here and there. Its quite gory. And some episodes like the mercenary trying to kill himself when he was injured. That part was kinda scary. I dare not watch that part. Not to say I scare of blood but rather I dare not watch people commit suicide. I have sort of phobia watching that. The more I watched it the more I felt very "geli". Anyway there is one part where this lead actor was badly injured and he can run away from the mercenaries for two to three days without resting and without getting bruise. Okay. Fine. They don't show that part. Understood. But then each time he ran the mercenaries could not get faster than him. I mean he is injured. I would say badly injured. But he can run faster than the mercenaries??? What the crap is that lah?
Then his wife was pregnant when the mercenaries raided his village. So this hero of ours put her and his son into a well. Fine. But he sort of letting go of rope a bit up from the well and the wife slipped and fell into the well. I was like, "Come on.. The wife is pregnant and she fell into the well. No matter how many months she is pregnant if she fell she would had some sort of injury and that, I guess is bad for her to be born baby. She does a lot of stunts while hiding from the mercenary. In fact she stays there for like a week with her son. I actually wondered how she could survived in the well without any water and food. Very lame movie. At the end the baby was safety born. I mean she forced the baby out and the baby did come out but it was during flood and she was standing while giving birth. I mean, "Okay.. Standing and giving birth without any midwife's help." I could take that. But she fell quite a lot of time and the baby still survived. That one I can't accept it. Don't know why. I can't see any sense watching that movie.
So people just in case you are watching that movie and planning to watch the DVD, please don't waste your time and energy. I find it very lame watching that movie. In fact at the end of the movie, the lead actor saw ships wanting to sail into their island. It reminds me of the story of Pochantas, where the native from the island met the British man. So I guess the ending of Apocalypto is the new beginning of Pochantas story, huh? Anyway whatever la. I haven't watch Pochantas yet. So I do not have anything to comment then.
Anyway that's my comment bout the movie Apocalypto. No intention to offend anybody here. Just my piece of thoughts over that movie. Okay. Time to sleep already. God bless.. =)


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