Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Give thanks even they do nothing...

Life had been very stressful these few days.. One thing in life that stress me up was working environment. I am working in a company where staffs in the company are so kiasu that they would not be there defend others and protect those who are innocent.
Anyway I had been pretty stressed up but thank God He gave me His grace and favour. One way of Him doing this is this. Honestly saying I find it pretty strange saying it but the word are quite different and for me, it is quite unique. Well the one simple word that I believe God had been teaching me is saying the word Thank You.
Well you may ask what is so special about the word thank you? Whoever had manners would had done that and it is pretty normal. Well I am learning it in a further way. Instead of replying you are welcome when someone thank me, I reply them with the word thank you back. Why? You may ask. Well for one thing. Not everyone have manners though. There is a possibility of when someone borrowed things from us, there is always a tendency they would not give it back on time or either way. when they give back they won't say thank you to us. It might not be a big issue to me, but to some they would not really like it. I mean it means there is no appreciations.
I had come to learn and apply it often in my job. Whenever I borrowed things from somebody or even ask somebody to do something for me, I will say thank you. And or when we did their work for them, instead of saying welcome, I would say thank you back. It is as though I am saying thank you to that person who thank me back. I mean we all want appreciation here and there and by saying thank you back to that person whenver they thank us is an appreciation. Imagine God had helped us, we need to thank Him for what He had done for us. And we had done that, there is a sense of appreciation. I do think that God also appreciate it when we thank Him. Because of me doing that, I somehow or rather finds favour with a lot of ppl in the company. Even my bosses. I mean I can see they are smiling. So it somehow or rather means favour from God. So beside smile more to ppl, thank everybody who you met. Who knows what favour God would give us. =) In fact give thanks even when they do nothing to us..
Gtg oredi.. God bless...


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