Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Family the godly foundation of love... =)

Of late, I had been very much touched by God. Well last time, I was a hardened guy, who would not admit I am wrong and always thinks good of myself but nowadays I had been very much a crier. (you know what I mean? someone who cries a lot) Perhaps it was because God is starting to melt my heart for Him.
Of late, I had been very much seeing myself of uncapable to handle things. I am starting to think that if things were to be done, I am not the one able to do things. I do not have the enough confidence to believe that I am the one to do things. Not just things, but decision making as well. Despite knowing that, I come to learn that my dad helps encourage me a lot. Not just my mom alone, but my dad as well.
Honestly saying, I never think so high about my dad. I just felt that my dad is a quiet guy and man with few words. Everytime I wanna say something, he would come to me and tell me to be quiet. Typical father. Either way, he would tell me to tell everything to him tomorrow of which the tomorrow he meant would never come. Cause each tomorrow comes, he would tell me to keep it for tomorrow again.
Anyway what I am trying to say is that I always believe that our parent is considered a blessing from God. A family would never leave you nor forsake you. I mean I enjoyed my family very much. They prayed (my mom does while my dad is still non-believer) and they cared for us all no matter how bad or how terrible we are. Friends may not want to become our friends when we are in deep trouble but our parent does. I love my parent a lot and they mean a lot to me and then if they are in trouble, I would stand for them and not neglecting them. So therefore what I am trying to say here (I'm outta topics to blog nowadays) is that no matter what happen, love your parent and do not let them away from you cause you would never know how God would use them to bless us. Or that you would be a blessings to them.
If any of us who have had arguments or quarrels with our parent, ask them for forgiveness. I do that even though they are wrong and I am right. I mean no matter what we do, they are our own family. Of course God is also our family. In fact He is our most important family but then our parent and siblings are our next best family. Without them, we wouldn't had know what would happen to us. Show them appreciation and cared for them. For the are no one as important as them in our life.
Anyway if any of us had lost our family, let us then not to forget to remember our guardian or our intermediate family who had taken care of us. Let us also not to forget to show them our appreciation. For they are God's most precious gift to us. After Jesus of course. Therefore let us learn to show our appreaciation to our family by doing something good to them and to make them proud of us. I know my parent are proud of me nowadays.. =)
Okay lah.. Got to go home now.. Tomorrow got work. My 2nd day of work.. So see ya then.. God bless... =)


Blogger adri-enne said...

hmm... a pretty cool insight of ur family. thanx 4 sharing n yeah, haf fun at work!

10:54 pm  
Blogger Ou Lik Ee said...

Thanks.. blog about your family as well.. =) Sure got a lot more better things to share about.. =)

10:19 pm  

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