Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Life's a test

I went to church yesterday with a angry and burden heart. Well I was a bit pissed off with God because a lot of things I do was not fulfilled. A bit hurt though. Actually not bit but lotsa hurt. Hurt because I loses a lot of things in life and hurt because I prayed and God neva answer me. =( But then He told me something through Pastor Prince yesterday as he preaches to us all. Well in all things ask until God answered. P.U.S.H. means pray until something happens. Well honestly I know all these terms and all these things that I should do but then I do not do anything at all. Expecting Him to help even though I do not put my effort into it. Well God then told me through Pastor that I should keep on praying. Not just praying but ask Him for a clearer mind and clearer picture of my life, of what does He wants me to do.
The tilte of the sermon was "The second touch" and it really hit me cause I am in pain and suffering. Well I can't actually elaborate the whole sermon but then what I remembered is that I need a new touch from God. God allows thing to happen for a reason and that is for His reason. Nothing else. No one gone through blessings without gone any sufferings. If we suffer form Him, we need to know how to stand and rise up again. Not just that, we need to also know suffering for Him means He knows our troubles and will lift us up when the right time comes.
Well in this new beginning of perhaps a new job, I am hoping and praying for a new direction and path. In fact I am praying for more of His wisdom and knowledge, to help cope out with my streesful life. Hopefully everything turns up well.. God bless... =)


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