Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


I've a confession to make.. I am a sinner. I've sinned a lot. Of all the sin that I've did, I always thought this sin is the worst sin. It makes me feel guilty like no one's business.. I felt like I am the only Christian who sin big over this matter. I won't say what sin is that but this is what I shall say. This sin although makes me guilty like never, but then I always realised that God never let me go despite all the guilt. But there is a secret. Do not harden ourselves when it comes to the same sin. That's what I learn from going through this sin. Continue ask God to forgive us and make us whole again. So that is what I said all these while and despite all guiltiness I still trust in the Lord. I might not be able to easily let this sin go away although it is bugging me a lot, but Lord, I will never stop asking You for forgiveness even though I've done it. Hopefully by doing or saying this, You will make me stronger to overcome this sin. As always as I believe, without You in my life, my life had long gone. So by saying this, please continue to help me overcome and give me the stronger urge to overcome the sin and to glorify Your name. Amen.


Blogger Ρωμανός ~ Romanós said...

Brother, I found your blog by chance and just want to greet you in the name of the Lord.

You are on the right road. You know that even as bad as your sin is, there is nothing that can ever separate us from the love of God.

I offer you some posts from my blog, perhaps they will help you in some way.






Grace and peace to you,

6:08 am  
Blogger Ou Lik Ee said...

Thanks brother.. I never knew that there would people reading my blog.. Anyway thanks for the comment. I am learning to blog back after stopping all these year. Have fun reading.. God bless.. =)

9:26 pm  
Blogger Pastor Andrew said...

I as well have stumbled upon your blog by chance - Do know friend that sin is universal. To God, a sin no matter how large or small is the difference between a skyscraper and a grain of sand from space, neither one is any larger than the other, it is our finite minds that cause us to think this way. Now, the difficulty in this is we tend to 'grade' sins - my viewing pornography compared to your murder aren't even in the same ballpark. But to God, they ARE. A sin regardless of the size removes us from God because he cannot be in the same place as it (James states how can clean water and dirty water come from the same place). So where does that leave us?
1) Continue to strive, friend, find accountability in a close brother (since we are to bear one another's burdens!!!) because you're not to fight this alone.
2) Guilt is a tool of the Devil, nothing more. Genuine repentance and striving to overcome a sin (1 cor. 10) is possible, and
3) When you mess up again, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, ask for forgiveness, and start again - the second you give up totally is the second you become no better than the unbeliever. Do know that you walk with the assurance that the lord's grace covers all sin - ALL of it. That's why Christ's death was necessary. You think your sins are huge, but not huger than death on a cross, I can assure you. Keep the faith brother - because one thing is for certain - you're not alone!

4:53 am  

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