Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Are we right when we migrate to another country when trouble comes?

Well of late there had been a lot of people migrating out of Malaysia. A lot of my friends and my friends' friend had ventured out to look for a better future and greener grass to another country. I am kind of sad that these things happened. The shocking part of this is a lot of Christians had left the country. Let's us not mention non-believer here. I mean Christians are the chosen one that God calls to defend the weak and help the poor. Not the one God calls to go out and find a better place to survive for themselves. I remembered once when I was a young Christian. The moment I accepted Christ and say the sinner's prayer. I told myself that I am going to stand tall for God and defend the weak and poor here. Remember that word we once telling God we would do? Remember the time when we were asked whether would we stand up for God when disaster happen? Well guess what. That time is now although we were not yet being persecuted publicly because of our faith in the Lord.
Malaysia is facing a big problem here. The problem of there might not be any future for us and a problem where a lot of Christians is leaving Malaysia when they felt insecure bout the their future here but I guess we were told a lot of time that God is in control. Well can I ask you a question here. Do you believe that God is in control now? Well I would say YES. The moment I stand up and survive in Malaysia when disasters happen is the moment I believe God is in control. You know why? Because for one thing. Malaysia is my country and where I was born. And Malaysia is where God put me in. And therefore for me to stand up tall and say I will continue to stay in Malaysia although there is not much future left means God is in control. Unless and until God calls us to go to other place to evangelise, other reason why we choose to leave for other country rather than staying in Malaysia, for me that reason would be running away when troubles come.
You can say this. We can always pray for Malaysia in another country we are residing but guess what? You are not there to experience God's blessings over Malaysia. For me it would mean you are throwing God's blessing away. We can always pray for others but in reality would we really be the one who would be there to carry out God's blessing?
I actually wondered why there are a lot of Christian politicans fight for the country, the poor and the weak? I mean there is no point in doing so since a lot of them are leaving or had left the country. Please do not find me wrong when I say this. I am not against anybody leaving Malaysia but for me what is the point we all fight for the country and yet we left the country at the same time when there seems to be no hope anymore. Remember this. Our hope is in the Lord. Well that is a famous statement every Christians will say and it is written in the Bible as well. But are we saying it out just for the sake of popularity or are we really believe that our hope is in the Lord? For that I actually ponder. Everybody seems to like to quote that sentences but are we really applying it into our life?
Well seriously I am speechless bout a lot of Christians leaving Malaysia. I do not know whether this blog will impact you all to stay in Malaysia and fight for the country but I hope I am saying the right thing here. Have a blessed week ahead.


Blogger Amuro Rey said...

For one, I'm not rich enough to leave. But if I were to be presented that opportunity, will I leave? I don't entirely sure. The fact is I won't understand myself fully until the day comes. Only God understands us! Amen bro, keep it up!

10:59 pm  
Blogger adrienne said...

I understand your argument, but it's also not too good to generalise the fact that people leave the country just because they think it's heading to a bad direction.

I do not really understand the world of politics, but I don't know why, I always have this feeling that in the end, it'll all be fine. I do not mind living in Malaysia, but I've got a second chance to come back to Aus, so I took it.

I don't really know if this is a good decision or not, but I am happy with it (though unemployed at the moment). Hope you're not to angry at us.

3:33 pm  
Blogger Ou Lik Ee said...

Adrienne.. Well I am not angry at you but then I just understand how come ppl forgot what they had pledge. You don't say means no problem lor.. Never mind la.. I am just blogging it out to say my thought only.. =)

11:48 pm  

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