Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sick Christmas

Wow!! It was nearly a month since my blog was last updated. Well can't do much though cause my computer is still under repair. What to do. The computer has been hibernating in my brother friend's house for the past three months due to because his friend is kinda busy with his work. His friend is so-called a computer specialist but the thing is his friend do not have the exact software to upload my computer. So now the thing is I might need to change a new hard disk for that matter. Anyway what has been done has been done. I hope the computer would return to me by Chinese New Year next year. At this moment, I guess I would had to use the office's computer to blog though. =(
Anyway for the past few days (I guess started on Sunday) I've had caught a cold. Don't know how come suddenly I faced such challenge when it is quite near to Christmas and my *ahem* *ahem*. Now I had to keep up with it la. Catching a cold is not something small though. Of course it is not that serious compared to having a fever but then catching a cold is quite irritating and troublemsome for me at this moment. Think about it as when people are going for Christmas Carol singing all the way round happily, people like me have to endure the hardship of wanting to avoid sneezing. A lot of time it is embarrasing because all the Christmas Carollers had to avoid me from making them infected as well. I mean how sad can that be?
Anyway I am thinking of taking medical leave tomorrow. Don't know whether should I do that or not? Don't know la. Wait until tomorrow only decide. Anyway before I end, (I am learning to blog with less words and would try to blog more in future) Blessed Christmas to all who are reading this blog and may God bless you all.. =)


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