Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Today I went to watch R.V. in Cathay Cineleisure Cineplex next to The Curve with Jeffrey Ng and Faisal Haleem. Well the movie was not a bad movie though. It was quite funny at times and at the end of the movie it was quite touching. Well why not, since the main actor for the movie is Robin Williams. The other actress in the movie that I know / heard of is Joanna "JoJo" Levesque. (Well she is actually a singer in US)
Anyway this movie actually touches my heart though. I know of course it is always because Robin Williams is acting in it. Well my favourite movie which he were also acting in was "Patch Adams". Remember that movie? Well the movie for one was one of the best Robin Williams' movie due to because his movies brought in a lot of good and moral value into it, which I believe we all are lacking of due to the modernisation and even due to because we are very much a "kiasu ppl". I would not say that we had learnt it all from the Singaporean but the very fact that we got it is because the kiasu spirit is always inside our life. Perhaps we had learnt it all from our family and it gives us the sense of wanting things. We scared ppl would take away our precious things. So we need to work hard to get it.
A good example would be exams. We want to get the best result for our exams. If we all just pass our exam, we would punish ourselves and cry our life out. And we determine our future. There are ppl out there thinks that they are "Perfectionist". Hey.. me too, you know? A lot of ppl don't know this. (I guess lah) But then as for me, God slowly changed my lifestyle. Well I am not the perfectionist as in studies. But rather I am perfectionist in things that I do. For example, the potbless. When I started organising potbless, I do not want things to go perfectly wrong. Rather I want it perfectly perfect and that no bad incident should destroy it. In fact nothing bad should be happening. That was my thought and philosophy. Another good example is when I was playing computer games. Last night I was at my uncle's house and I was playing this game called Heroes of Might and Magic. It's an old game. In order to defeat the enemy, I would save my game 1st so that if I lose the war, I can still load the game so that I would know what to do next, whether to persue the war in order win the game. My cousin who is currently studying in high school, call me "kiasu felllow". Well honestly saying I agreed with what he said. Imagine a 15, 16 years old kid called me that. I believe in this though. Perfectionist got something to do with "kiasu" spirit. Because we want something, we would not allow ourselves to be defeated and we actually moulded ourselves to be a perfectionist. Truthfully saying, sometimes I do mess up with things. And I felt bad about it. Because of that, I blamed myself a lot. I depressed a lot. For those of them who knows me well enough, they would know that I am very much a negative type of person. First thing that came into my mind when I wanna do something is always failure. Nothing but failure starts 1st. But slowly God changed me. Now I get two mind in me. Failure and success. When I thought of failure, I prayed for success. Otherwise all the potbless would not be done at all. God do not want us to become a perfectionist. Perfectionist do not put God into their life but rather put themselves 1st into their life. Perhaps God goes 2nd or 3rd or 4th or so on. Well it is not what God want for us. This is what I believe.
God wants us to rely on Him and in Him alone. So let us continue to love God and shun perfectionist. In fact we should call ourselves perfectionist anymore. Instead let us call ourselves God's lover and let God handle our life. Btw what I am saying here is not to ask us all not to do what we are supposed to do like studying hard or do other things diligently but rather in all let God be our perfect plan. =) I mean let Him handle our life. That's what I am doing right now. I am still searching for job though. And I am now back in total square one. So I leave it all to God and allow Him to do something in my life. =)
Anyway I do not know why from the movie R.V. I diverted my blog to perfectionist. Anyway Robin Williams rock. I mean of course God rocks also lah.. But Robin Williams can really act his heart out, both comedy and serious character. =) Yup.. Now I know who is my favourite actor oredi.. hahahah... Anyway got to chow now.. Bye.. God bless...


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