Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Vantage Point

Went to watch Vantage Point yesterday. Well the movie was quite interesting and I loved terrorism movie a lot. Not to say that I love to watch all the action-packed movie a lot but I guess terrorism movie constantly remind me how vulnerable our world are and how politically chaos the world leader are. Anyway the movie was quite interesting to watch, especially the part where they suspects who were the terrorists or should I say the bad guys.
For one thing, the American prided themselves for the very fact that they are the international police, that were appointed to take care and make sure the world is a peaceful place. This includes Vantage Point as well. But one thing I found out, in the movie quite surprisingly shocking is that this movie as much as it is American terrorist movie, the hero in this movie is no other than the little Anna, the Spanish little girl who is searching for her mummy. What I mean by that? Well the Americans tries to save the President but they could not because they do not know where in the world is the President especially Agent Thomas Barnes. But because the ambulance driven by the terrorist saw Anna on the road they tried to avoid hitting her. As the matter of fact, Anna do not know what to do but crying for her mummy. By saying that our little hero for this movie is Anna. She saved the President's life and Forest Whitaker, an American saved hers.
Anyway it was quite an interesting movie though. I actually wondered whether the real life president of the United States actually uses double body to actually protect him from being shot?
Anyway back to real life. My boss told me that I am staying back in PJ instead of transfering to Kampar for time being. The reason was because there are vacancy over there for me at the moment. So he said the latest time for me to transfer would be either end of this year or next year whenever there is finance staff in need there. I was told that one staff is sufficient for me in Kampar. Well see lah.. Hope to transfer as soon as possible. =)
Well gtg oredi.. Time for lunch is up. God bless...


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