Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Lover?

Yesterday went out to movie with Jeffrey. Met quite a few funny incident. We went to watch the new movie shown preview yesterday which is called "Before the devil knows you are dead". It is not an horror movie. It is basically a stupid thriller movie. Too much censorship till we cannot understand most of the movie.
Anyway here's the funny part of the outing yesterday. Me and Jeffrey went to buy popcorn and drink at the food counter. I wanted the drink and he wanted the popcorn but actually he wanted me to share with him both the drink and the popcorn equally. Well I do not mind bout it since he wants to save up some money. And guess what? The combo drink and popcorn we ordered was lover combo. I was like, "what the heck?" Lover's combo? As we approaches the cinema hall provided which was The Picturehouse hall, we get a lover's seat. You know those kind of seat where there is no divider or barrier and it was like a sofa seat. And guess what again? We were entertained with love song before the movie starts to allow the cinema goer to enter into the hall. And lastly guess what was the first scene shown? Love scene. Well of course the Malaysian censorboardship had censored it badly. Until now I am still wondering what's all this bout lover thingy? Freak.
Anyway today came in a new tenant. I mean potential tenant cause he had not moved in yet. For one thing he is interested in Humphrey's room but since he still need to think bout it, he is still our potential tenant. Well he is an African from Nigeria by the name of Paschal, a Master in IT student in KDU. Well look quite ok though. I mean to be tenant. Good for Jean, the person in charge of the house. At least she got less burden to carry with lesser room to be left empty. Well just cross finger and hope for the best for this guy called Paschal. =)
Anyway still waiting for my computer to be fixed. My brother's friend promised to come and fix it after CNY but tomorrow is the last day of CNY. Wonder how soon can he come cause I need to online badly. I've just pay RM500 for online tutor for my CIMA and I want to make full use of it. Haih~!~
Anyway time to go to sleep oredi since it's a little bit late oredi. Nite nite.. God bless.. =)


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