Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

A slowly changing life..

Yesterday I nearly lost my whole arm. Well so to say lah. I was sleeping with my whole body facing the bed and my back facing the ceiling. I guess it was not the best sleeping pose but I guess it had been my sleeping pose ever since I was in primary school or was it secondary school? Anyway my hand was underneath my pillow and there are times when my fingers were at the edge of the mattress and thus my blood cannot flow properly. You may ask why I sleep like that? For those who are close to them, they will know. In fact I guess quite a few ppl knows the reason. You know who you are.
Anyway when I woke up yesterday morning, I was a bit paranoid the very fact that my whole arms could not work anymore. The blood was not flowing well. In fact when I let my hand down the blood flow back to normal instantly. Thank God. I thought I am going to lose my whole right arm oredi. Wonder how would I going to survive without my right arm. I mean I need it to write, to drive, to eat, to type and etc etc.. But now it's okay oredi. Good for me and thank God. =)
Anyway it has been exactly a month ever since my last blog. Wanted to blog something here but due to some technical problem over the computer I was using, the blog did not appeared. Anyway now I am the chief tenant for the house that I am staying in ever since Humphrey left 2 to 3 weeks ago. I just paid all the 1st utility bills and today I might be giving the rental fees to the owner as my 1st responsibilities towards the owner of the house. Well it has been a fast moving life this year. With just a blink of eye, I am now in the 2nd month of the year 2008. I always wondered what had I been doing for the past months and years. Ppl come ppl go. Li Yan just left us to Swiss and some of my colleagues are resigning from their job. Some ppl had reappear into my life. Raymond Yap, the ex- KDU CF member whom I met in CF reappear into my life few days back. Actually he had been calling me out for the past two months oredi. But due to some unforgiveness towards him in the past, I cannot really talk to him and few days back, he called and I finally called my grudge off towards him and accept him back as a friend. Well less one burden and one hurt now. Good to know that. =)
Anyway in just a blink of days, we would be celebrating Chinese New Year. And I just received my 2nd revised salary from my promotion in the company. Well life has its ups and downs. But not that stress anymore. Had been calling one of my colleague "mom". She is in her mid 30's. Just feel like calling her "mom" cause she is a mom. But of course not my mom lah. Anyway she had been teaching me lotsa things bout life too. Guess it was not something that my mom had taught me. Not to say my mom did not taught me anything but just that when you have all men in the family and the only woman in the family is your mom, somehow or rather your mom would also be macho. So in that sense she does not really teach me much bout how to understand girls. Anyway glad to have her as my so-called "mom". Hope she can teach me more things bout girls.
Guess that's all though. Nothing much to blog. Just hope for the best. God bless..


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