Walking With Jesus!!

It is not easy to walk with Jesus and yet a lot of Christians wanted to walk right with Jesus.. Therefore I really want to blog all my walks so that I can remember all the walks that I have had with Jesus and to rely on Him and allow Him to carry me when I couldn't walk right with Him anymore.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Jesus, the centerpiece of Christmas

     Christmas is coming soon. It's about 5 more weeks to go before Christmas. While preparing for our Christmas celebration, let us ponder over this.

1. Christmas is never about Santa Claus.
2. Christmas is not about having beautiful decoration alone.
3. Christmas is not about gift exchange alone.
4. Christmas is not about having snow alone.
5. Christmas is not about the year 2013 is ending soon alone.
6. Christmas is not about having Christmas tree alone.
7. Christmas is not about singing Christmas carols alone.
8. Christmas is not about watching blockbuster movies in the cinema alone.
9. Christmas is not about attending weddings or getting married alone. (People love to get married this time of the year)
10. Christmas is not about going shopping alone.

     But rather Christmas is all about our Lord Jesus Christ. It was at this time of the year 2000 years ago. (25th December was adopted by the Western Christian Church - check the wikipedia of Christmas). Whichever date it is, let us use this 5 weeks to actually ponder about His birth. It was not Santa Claus who brought Christmas into life. It was Baby Jesus who was actually born this time of the year and we are using 25th December to commemorate His birth. No matter how you celebrate Christmas, please keep Him in mind. It was Him who brought Christmas to life. Without Him there is no Christmas. We would not be here celebrating. Celebrate His birth with your heart full of gratitude. Remember this, no Jesus, no Christmas. Santa Claus is never an icon of Christmas. No one should replace Jesus as the centerpiece of Christmas. So please keep that in mind!

     The picture below shows the humble beginning of how our modern Christmas started.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Then Whats the story behind Santa :O

4:40 pm  

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